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Clinical Psychology Syllabus for Fifth Semester

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 25 June 2013 | 04:57


Unit - I: 

a) Introduction to clinical psychology.
b) Definitions of normality and abnormally
c) Models of abnormality.
1) Psychoanalytical
2) Behavioral
3) Cognitive
4) Humanistic (with evaluations)

Unit - II:

a) System of classification: DSM and ICD.
b) Causes of abnormal behavior.
1) Biological.
2) Psychological.
3) Socio cultural causes.
c) Anxiety. (Meaning and Symptoms in brief).
d) Dissociative Disorder (Meaning and Symptoms in brief )

Unit - III: 

a) Mood disorders –( meaning, types, symptoms).
b) Personality disorders (Meaning, types and symptoms).
c) All disorders in BRIEF.

Unit - IV:

Clinical assessment:
a) Clinical interview.
b) Behavioral assessment.
c) Psychological testing.
d) Neuropsychological testing.
e) Psycho physiological assessment.

Unit - V:

a) Therapeutic approaches: Biological - ECT, Drug and Psychosurgery.
b) Psychological: Psychotherapy (Freud's approach).
c) Behavior therapy.
1) Systematic deseastization.
2) Aversion.
3) Token Economy.
d) Cognitive Therapy.
1) CBT.
2) REBT.


I. Barlow & Durand (1995). Abnormal psychology Brooks/Cole Publishing company, New
2. Sarason, IG., & Sarason, B.R., (1996). Abnormal psychology the problem of maladaptive behaviors. Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. New Delhi
3. Davison, o.c., & Neale,(2001) J.M., Abnormal Psychology.
4. Natraj, P. Manoroga Manovijnana, Srinivasa publications, Mysore
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